Meeting A New Doctor? 4 Tips To Prepare For Your Visit
Meeting with a doctor can be stressful for anyone, but when it's your first visit with a new primary care physician, you may be more reticent than usual. Not only are you likely looking for answer to current medical questions, but you're also potentially starting out on a new relationship that can affect your health and well-being.
So, how can you prepare ahead of time to help your first appointment be the start of a great relationship? Here are 4 ways to get ready.
Get Acquainted
Your first visit to a new doctor may be best considered a "get acquainted" appointment. This is an opportunity to make sure you and your doctor are on the same page about your health and current treatment options. He or she will likely want to discuss everything about your health and even your lifestyle choices.
You may even want to schedule two appointments if you have a current medical issue: one to meet the doctor and a second to actually discuss the ailment.
Get Your Records
Many medical records today are available digitally and can be transferred to a new physician. Still, you may want to follow up with other doctors to ensure that you have copies of your complete records or that they have been sent to your new doctor.
Collecting your records for a new doctor is an excellent time to go over your own history and understand all your previous ailments or treatments so that you're more familiar with your own situation and can explain it to any future medical providers. This can save your life if you end up with a health emergency!
List Your Medications and Supplements
Your official list of medications and prescriptions may be different than what you actually use at home. Go through your medicine cabinet before your visit and list all the medication you're currently taking (whether regularly or irregularly). Add to that a list of supplements, vitamins, or minerals you take on your own. Your doctor can better understand how to help you if they know all your wellness habits.
Write Down Concerns
Prepare a list on paper of current questions and symptoms or ailments. When you arrive at a strange doctor's office, you may not be able to fully recall all your questions, particularly if you're uncomfortable or have a complex medical history. So, in the days or weeks before your first appointment, keep a notebook handy to add questions or concerns as you think of them. Then, don't be afraid to ask about those things when you meet your doctor. How he or she handles your inquiries will help you form a better rapport.
By following these few tips, you and your new primary care physician can get off on the best foot possible and form a great team to help you stay healthy. For more information, contact a business like Rural Health Services Consortium Inc.