Could Chiropractic Treatment Help Your Infant's Colic?

If you've spent the past few days or weeks despairing about your inability to comfort your colicky infant, you've likely already scoured the internet for home remedies and medical interventions that are reported to be successful in reducing colic symptoms. Unfortunately, much remains unknown about the exact causes of colic, and as a result there's no "one size fits all" solution for this frustrating and heartbreaking ailment.

However, some infants have been receptive to chiropractic adjustments as a way to minimize gas pain and some of the other factors that can trigger colicky crying. Read on to learn more about infant adjustments to see whether this is something you'd like to try. 

How can chiropractic treat symptoms of colic?

The science behind chiropractic care's positive impact on a number of health conditions is nearly as mysterious as the science behind colic itself. However, many pediatricians believe that colic can be triggered by digestive issues like reflux or allergies. Performing a chiropractic adjustment on an infant allows for the release of any tissue that could be binding the nerves in this area and impeding digestion or otherwise causing pain.

Because babies (even those born via c-section) are twisted and contorted throughout gestation and during the birthing process, and because their bones and connective tissues are much more pliable than an adult's, it is common for infants to experience subluxation or misalignment during their first days on earth. Treating any subluxation before these bones have had a chance to fuse can prevent a number of joint and musculoskeletal issues in the future.

What can you expect during an infant adjustment?

During the initial adjustment, the chiropractor will gently palpate your infant's spine, hip joints, and other joints to feel for any obvious subluxations. Although most chiropractors will order x-rays for adult patients prior to treatment to ensure there are no underlying skeletal issues that could make treatment contraindicated, this step isn't usually deemed necessary for infants.

The chiropractor may then use his or her hands or even small tools to carefully manipulate your baby's joints into the proper developmental positions. This process should not be painful at all, and the sensations may even be relaxing for your baby. It's important to find a chiropractor who has demonstrated experience in working with pediatric patients, including infants, as the specific procedures and methodologies used for infant adjustments can dramatically differ from those used on adult patients.
