Tips for Managing Your Cataracts at Home

If you have cataracts, you likely want to make sure that they are treated as soon as possible in order to ensure that you are able to see clearly and not be negatively impacted in your day-to-day life. The best way to deal with cataracts is to get surgery. However, you might not have the health insurance for surgery at this time or you might live in a remote area where it will not be possible for you to get surgery for several months due to a waiting list. In the meantime, you are still going to need to go about your life. Here are some tips for managing the symptoms of cataracts until you are able to get the surgery to have them removed.

1. Improve the Lighting in Your Home and Office

Increasing the amount of light in your home and office will allow you to increase the amount of contrast that there will be between objects and empty space. It will also allow you to see the objects that you need more easily, despite having cataracts. To improve the lighting, switch out your light bulbs for brighter bulbs. For every location that you commonly read, install a lamp with an adjustable neck that you can use to refocus the lighting wherever you need it. Increasing the brightness of the screen on your computer can also make it easier to deal with your cataracts.

2. Reduce the Glare

Add a temporary window tint to your car windows if it is still safe for you to drive. This will reduce the glare and allow you to see more clearly. Also be sure that you wear sunglasses to further reduce how much glare you experience when you are outside. Be sure that you reduce how much driving you do at night in order to make sure that you and those around you remain safe, since your eyesight will be further impaired without the light.

3. Use a Magnifying Glass or App

Use a magnifying glass or a magnifying glass app to help make paperwork and other information larger while you are working. This will allow you to work without having to strain your eyes in order to see clearly. 

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in cataracts treatment and surgery. They might be able to help you find another person to do the surgery or help get you connected with nonprofits to help you pay for it.
