Using A Home Health Care Service When Recovering At Home From Your Total Hip Replacement
As you prepare to go in for your hip replacement surgery, it's time to consider where you will spend time recovering. Many people choose to recover at home from a major surgery. Not only is it less expensive than staying in the hospital, but there are other advantages, especially if working with a home health care service. Here are some reasons to consider recovering from your hip surgery at home with help from a home health service.
Recovering in Familiar Surroundings Can Be a Distraction
Having the items you love around you can help you relax and motivate you to recover quickly so you can get back into your daily routines. But those same surroundings can be a distraction to your recovery if you're trying to get back into your daily activities too soon. The home health care staff are there to take care of those little tasks around the home so you can initially focus on recovering from your hip surgery.
Support and Encouragement As You Recover
Your major focus during recovery from hip surgery is regaining the flexibility of your hip joint and strengthening the muscles in and around your hip. This means doing physical therapy daily with exercises in between sessions. Some days you'll feel like not getting out of bed, but the home care staff will help you stay motivated to do those exercises.
Watching Your Limits
While the staff will help you keep up with your exercises, they will also make sure that you maintain the pace set by your doctor and physical therapist. As you start feeling better, you may be tempted to push yourself beyond those limits, putting yourself at risk of injury. You could become too tired, fall and hurt your hip, requiring additional surgery and setting back your recovery time. The home health care staff will supervise your activities so you stay within the healthy limits.
Better Pain Medication Management
It's important that you stick to a regular schedule of pain medication for the first few weeks of recovery. Forget to take your pain medication and you'll be sore during and after the physical therapy session. You may be tempted to skip your exercises because your hip aches. The home health care nurse will watch your medication times to make sure you have the least pain possible as you work with your hip.
Immediate Help When You Need It
During your recovery, you may have questions about the way your hip feels, such as a new ache as you put weight on your hip. When you work with home health staff that are experienced with hip replacement recovery, you have access to a resource that may have immediate answers to your questions. If not, they will track down your doctor to find the answers for you.
For more information, contact All Care Hawaii or a similar location.